¿Qué ver en Cerro ventisqueros, Parque nacional chirripó?
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The Cerro Ventisqueros is a mountain located in the Chirripó National Park in Costa Rica. The park is open from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM every day of the week and the entrance fee is $18 for foreigners. The official website for the park is https://www.sinac.go.cr/ES/ac/accvc/ParqueNacionalChirripo/Paginas/default.aspx.
In the surrounding areas, visitors can also explore the La Amistad International Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and the entrance fee is $15 for foreigners. Another nearby attraction is the Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, which is open from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and the entrance fee is $12 for foreigners. Both of these parks offer hiking trails and stunning views of the surrounding mountains and forests.
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